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How do I cancel my service(s)?

You can cancel your service at any time

To cancel your service, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the client area.
  1. In the main menu bar, go to 'Services'.
  1. Select the specific service you want to cancel from the list.
  1. From the left sidebar menu, click on 'Request Cancellation'.
    1. Notion image
  1. Fill in the form and select whether you want your service to be terminated immediately or at the end of the billing cycle.
    1. Notion image

Once you have completed these steps, your service will be canceled at the chosen time (immediately or at the end of the billing cycle). Any unpaid renewal invoices will also be cancelled, if present.

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If you wish to revert your cancellation, please promptly open a support ticket with the accounting department.
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